Forbidden Planet

One of the most impressive of all science fiction films of the 1950s, we look at a lot of different aspects of Forbidden Planet!

The Day The Sky Exploded

Italian Science Fiction? Sure!

Plan 9 from Outer Space

The only movie improved by Colorization and 3D, Plan 9 is bad, but there's something to it!

Duck Dogers and the 24 1/2th Century!

A legendary Warner Brothers cartoon that actually deals with a ton of science fiction theories.

Mars & Beyond

A documentary on the possibilities of Mars that also happens to be a wonderful commentary on Science Fiction of the 1950s! Plus, PAUL FREES!!!!!

Robot Monster

B-Movies, Elmer Bernstein, Terrible Costumes, Repurposed Footage, stuff!!!!!

Rocketship X-M

A wonderfully flawed film starring Lloyd Bridges kicks off our look at the science fiction films of the 1950s!


We look at a 1935 Soviet Science Fiction film that presents the best flight footage of all-time!

52 Episodes to Science Fiction Film Literacy - The Phantom Empire

This is a terrible Western/Science Fiction film starring Gene Autry. If it's so terrible, why include it? Well, it tells us so much about the times! The role of serials, the idea of the Mash-up (decades before it got that name), and the limitations of the form all combine in this episode!!!

52 Episodes to Science Fiction Film Literacy - Frankenstein

One of the most significant of all the early sound films. One of the most significant of all literary adaptations. One of the most significant films Universal ever made. One of the most significant films. We look at James Whale's Frankenstein, and what it meant to the path of science fiction film.